Turn your audience into income with fresh finds and shares.
BrandU is a community for building your personal lifestyle brand. Discover and share authentic shopping content on everything from beauty and fashion to kids, health, and home decor. Curate and share collections easily, inspire others while shopping, and earn high commissions.
Share top picks and showcase your taste - for everyone!
Create and share your curated wishlists, collections, or affiliate links with ease—whether you’re just starting out or already an influencer. It’s a simple, accessible way for anyone to get started and showcase their taste.
Partner with premium brands worldwide, up to 40% commission!
Partner with over 5,000 top brands that pay you whenever someone buys from your lists.
When you join BrandU, you’re automatically approved for all our programs – no waiting around!
This means you can start earning big, with some of the highest commissions in the industry.
Publish once, share everywhere!
We make it super easy to create, share, and track your content across all your channels. With BrandU’s AI technology, influencers can turn their posts into instant shoppable links, even on exclusive platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.
AI recommendation and data-driven strategy
We use proprietary data on brands, shoppers, and influencer performance to provide growth consulting that maximizes earnings and drives business growth, all while ensuring personal privacy.
Share popular collections on Brand U
Mom & Kids
Home Decor